Source code for delb

# Copyright (C) 2018-'22  Frank Sachsenheim
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Iterator, MutableSequence
from copy import deepcopy
from io import TextIOWrapper
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, BinaryIO, Optional
from warnings import warn

from lxml import etree

from _delb.exceptions import FailedDocumentLoading, InvalidOperation
from _delb.plugins import (
    plugin_manager as _plugin_manager,
from _delb.names import Namespaces
from _delb.nodes import (
from _delb.parser import _compat_get_parser, ParserOptions
from _delb.utils import (
from _delb.xpath import QueryResults

    from pathlib import Path

    from _delb.typing import Loader, NamespaceDeclarations

# plugin loading


# api

class _RootSiblingsContainer(ABC, MutableSequence):
    __slots__ = ("_document",)

    def __init__(self, document: Document):
        self._document = document

    def __delitem__(self, index):
        raise InvalidOperation(
            "The thing is, lxml doesn't provide an interface to remove siblings of the "
            "root node."

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        # TODO? slices

        if index < 0:
            index = len(self) + index

        if len(self) <= index:
            raise IndexError("Node index out of range.")

        if index == 0:
            return self._get_first()

        with altered_default_filters():
            for i, result in enumerate(
                self._get_first().iterate_following_siblings(), start=1
                if i == index:
                    return result

    def __setitem__(self, index, node):
        raise InvalidOperation(
            "The thing is, lxml doesn't provide an interface to remove siblings of the "
            "root node."

    def __len__(self):
        index = -1
        for index, _ in enumerate(self._iter_all()):
        return index + 1

    def insert(self, index, node):
        length = len(self)

        if index == 0 and not length:
        elif index == length:

    def prepend(self, node):
        self.insert(0, node)

    def _add_first(self, node: NodeBase):

    def _get_first(self) -> Optional[NodeBase]:

    def _iter_all(self) -> Iterator[NodeBase]:

class _HeadNodes(_RootSiblingsContainer):
    def _add_first(self, node):

    def _get_first(self):
        return last(self._iter_all())

    def _iter_all(self):
        with altered_default_filters():
            yield from self._document.root.iterate_preceding_siblings()

class _TailNodes(_RootSiblingsContainer):
    def _add_first(self, node):

    def _get_first(self):
        return first(self._iter_all())

    def _iter_all(self):
        with altered_default_filters():
            yield from self._document.root.iterate_following_siblings()

class DocumentMeta(type):
    def __new__(mcls, name, base_classes, namespace):  # noqa: N804
        extension_classes = tuple(_plugin_manager.document_mixins)

        if not base_classes:  # Document class is being constructed
            extension_docs = sorted(
                (x.__name__, x.__doc__) for x in extension_classes if x.__doc__
            if extension_docs:
                namespace["__doc__"] += "\n\n" + "\n\n".join(
                    (f"{x[0]}:\n\n{x[1]}" for x in extension_docs)

        # adding DocumentMixinBase unconditionally would lead to the registration of
        # the bare Document class as mixin extension
        if extension_classes:
            base_classes += extension_classes + (DocumentMixinBase,)

        namespace["_loaders"] = (

        return super().__new__(mcls, name, base_classes, namespace)

[docs]class Document(metaclass=DocumentMeta): """ This class is the entrypoint to obtain a representation of an XML encoded text document. For instantiation any object can be passed. A suitable loader must be available for the given source. See :ref:`document-loaders` for the default loaders that come with this package. Plugins are capable to alter the available loaders, see :doc:`extending`. Nodes can be tested for membership in a document: >>> document = Document("<root>text</root>") >>> text_node = document.root[0] >>> text_node in document True >>> text_node.clone() in document False The string coercion of a document yields an XML encoded stream as string. Its appearance can be configured via :class:`DefaultStringOptions`. >>> document = Document("<root/>") >>> str(document) "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><root/>" :param source: Anything that the configured loaders can make sense of to return a parsed document tree. :param collapse_whitespace: Deprecated. Use the argument with the same name on the ``parser_options`` object. :param parser: Deprecated. :param parser_options: A :class:`delb.ParserOptions` instance to configure the used parser. :param klass: Explicitly define the initialized class. This can be useful for applications that have :ref:`default document subclasses <extending-subclasses>` in use. :param config: Additional keyword arguments for the configuration of extension classes. """ _loaders: tuple[Loader, ...] __slots__ = ("__root_node__", "config", "head_nodes", "source_url", "tail_nodes") def __new__( cls, source, collapse_whitespace=None, parser=None, parser_options=None, klass=None, **config_options, ): parser, collapse_whitespace = _compat_get_parser( parser, parser_options, collapse_whitespace ) config = cls.__process_config(collapse_whitespace, parser, config_options) root = cls.__load_source(source, config) if klass is None: for subclass in _plugin_manager.document_subclasses: if hasattr(subclass, "__class_test__") and subclass.__class_test__( root, config ): klass = subclass break else: klass = cls assert issubclass(klass, Document) instance = super().__new__(klass) instance.config = config instance.root = root return instance def __init__( self, source: Any, collapse_whitespace: Optional[bool] = None, parser: Optional[etree.XMLParser] = None, parser_options: Optional[ParserOptions] = None, klass: Optional[type[Document]] = None, **config, ): self.config: SimpleNamespace """ Beside the used ``parser`` and ``collapsed_whitespace`` option, this property contains the namespaced data that extension classes and loaders may have stored. """ self.source_url: Optional[str] = self.config.__dict__.pop("source_url", None) """ The source URL where a loader obtained the document's contents or :py:obj:`None`. """ self.head_nodes = _HeadNodes(self) """ A list-like accessor to the nodes that precede the document's root node. Note that nodes can't be removed or replaced. """ self.tail_nodes = _TailNodes(self) """ A list-like accessor to the nodes that follow the document's root node. Note that nodes can't be removed or replaced. """ if self.config.collapse_whitespace: self.collapse_whitespace() def __init_subclass__(cls): assert cls not in _plugin_manager.document_mixins _plugin_manager.document_subclasses.insert(0, cls) @classmethod def __process_config(cls, collapse_whitespace, parser, kwargs) -> SimpleNamespace: config = SimpleNamespace(collapse_whitespace=collapse_whitespace, parser=parser) if DocumentMixinBase in cls.__mro__: cls._init_config(config, kwargs) # type: ignore return config @classmethod def __load_source(cls, source: Any, config: SimpleNamespace) -> TagNode: loader_excuses: dict[Loader, str | Exception] = {} for loader in cls._loaders: try: loader_result = loader(source, config) except Exception as e: loader_excuses[loader] = e else: if isinstance(loader_result, etree._ElementTree): loaded_tree = loader_result break else: assert isinstance(loader_result, str) loader_excuses[loader] = loader_result else: raise FailedDocumentLoading(source, loader_excuses) assert isinstance(loaded_tree, etree._ElementTree) root = _wrapper_cache(loaded_tree.getroot()) assert isinstance(root, TagNode) return root def __contains__(self, node: NodeBase) -> bool: return node.document is self def __str__(self) -> str: with DefaultStringOptions._get_serializer() as serializer: self.__serialize( serializer=serializer, encoding="utf-8", indentation=serializer.indentation, ) return serializer.result
[docs] def clone(self) -> Document: """ :return: Another instance with the duplicated contents. """ result = Document(self.root, klass=self.__class__) # lxml.etree.XMLParser instances aren't pickable / copyable parser = self.config.__dict__.pop("parser") result.config = deepcopy(self.config) self.config.parser = result.config.parser = parser return result
[docs] def collapse_whitespace(self): """ Collapses whitespace as described here: Implicitly merges all neighbouring text nodes. """ self.merge_text_nodes() with altered_default_filters(): self.root._collapse_whitespace()
[docs] def css_select( self, expression: str, namespaces: Optional[NamespaceDeclarations] = None ) -> QueryResults: """ This method proxies to the :meth:`TagNode.css_select` method of the document's :attr:`root <Document.root>` node. """ return self.root.css_select(expression, namespaces=namespaces)
[docs] def merge_text_nodes(self): """ This method proxies to the :meth:`TagNode.merge_text_nodes` method of the document's :attr:`root <Document.root>` node. """ self.root.merge_text_nodes()
@property def namespaces(self) -> Namespaces: """ The namespace mapping of the document's :attr:`root <Document.root>` node. """ return self.root.namespaces
[docs] def new_tag_node( self, local_name: str, attributes: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, ) -> TagNode: """ This method proxies to the :meth:`TagNode.new_tag_node` method of the document's root node. """ return self.root.new_tag_node( local_name=local_name, attributes=attributes, namespace=namespace )
@property def root(self) -> TagNode: """The root node of a document tree.""" return self.__root_node__ @root.setter def root(self, node: TagNode): if not isinstance(node, TagNode): raise TypeError("The document root node must be of 'TagNode' type.") with altered_default_filters(_is_tag_or_text_node): if not all( x is None for x in ( node.parent, node.fetch_preceding_sibling(), node.fetch_following_sibling(), ) ): raise ValueError( "Only a detached node can be set as root. Use " ":meth:`TagNode.clone` or :meth:`TagNode.detach` on the " "designated root node." ) current_root = getattr(self, "__root_node__", None) if current_root is not None: _copy_root_siblings(current_root._etree_obj, node._etree_obj) current_root.__document__ = None self.__root_node__ = node node.__document__ = self
[docs] def save( self, path: Path, pretty: Optional[bool] = None, *, encoding: str = "utf-8", align_attributes: bool = False, indentation: str = "", namespaces: Optional[NamespaceDeclarations] = None, newline: None | str = None, text_width: int = 0, ): """ :param path: The filesystem path to the target file. :param pretty: *Deprecated.* Adds indentation for human consumers when :py:obj:`True`. :param encoding: The desired text encoding. :param align_attributes: Determines whether attributes' names and values line up sharply around vertically aligned equal signs. :param indentation: This string prefixes descending nodes' contents one time per depth level. A non-empty string implies line-breaks between nodes as well. :param namespaces: A mapping of prefixes to namespaces. These are overriding possible declarations from a parsed serialisat that the document instance stems from. Prefixes for undeclared namespaces are enumerated with the prefix ``ns``. :param newline: See :py:class:`io.TextIOWrapper` for a detailed explanation of the parameter with the same name. :param text_width: A positive value indicates that text nodes shall get wrapped at this character position. Indentations are not considered as part of text. This parameter's purposed to define reasonable widths for text displays that can be scrolled horizontally. """ with"bw") as file: self.write( buffer=file, pretty=pretty, encoding=encoding, align_attributes=align_attributes, indentation=indentation, namespaces=namespaces, newline=newline, text_width=text_width, )
def __serialize(self, serializer, encoding, indentation): declaration = f"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='{encoding.upper()}'?>" if indentation: declaration += "\n" serializer.buffer.write(declaration) for node in self.head_nodes: serializer.serialize_node(node) with altered_default_filters(): serializer.serialize_root(self.root) for node in self.tail_nodes: serializer.serialize_node(node)
[docs] def write( self, buffer: BinaryIO, pretty: Optional[bool] = None, *, encoding: str = "utf-8", align_attributes: bool = False, indentation: str = "", namespaces: Optional[NamespaceDeclarations] = None, newline: None | str, text_width: int = 0, ): """ :param buffer: A :term:`file-like object` that the document is written to. :param pretty: *Deprecated.* Adds indentation for human consumers when :py:obj:`True`. :param encoding: The desired text encoding. :param align_attributes: Determines whether attributes' names and values line up sharply around vertically aligned equal signs. :param indentation: This string prefixes descending nodes' contents one time per depth level. A non-empty string implies line-breaks between nodes as well. :param namespaces: A mapping of prefixes to namespaces. These are overriding possible declarations from a parsed serialisat that the document instance stems from. Prefixes for undeclared namespaces are enumerated with the prefix ``ns``. :param newline: See :py:class:`io.TextIOWrapper` for a detailed explanation of the parameter with the same name. :param text_width: A positive value indicates that text nodes shall get wrapped at this character position. Indentations are not considered as part of text. This parameter's purposed to define reasonable widths for text displays that can be scrolled horizontally. """ if pretty is not None: warn( "The `pretty` argument is deprecated, for the legacy behaviour provide " "`indentation` as two spaces instead." ) align_attributes = False indentation = " " if pretty else "" text_width = 0 with TextBufferSerializer( buffer=TextIOWrapper(buffer), encoding=encoding, align_attributes=align_attributes, indentation=indentation, namespaces=namespaces, newline=newline, text_width=text_width, ) as serializer: self.__serialize( serializer=serializer, encoding=encoding, indentation=indentation )
[docs] def xpath( self, expression: str, namespaces: Optional[NamespaceDeclarations] = None ) -> QueryResults: """ This method proxies to the :meth:`TagNode.xpath` method of the document's :attr:`root <Document.root>` node. """ return self.root.xpath(expression=expression, namespaces=namespaces)
[docs] def xslt(self, transformation: etree.XSLT) -> Document: # pragma: no cover """ :param transformation: A :class:`lxml.etree.XSLT` instance that shall be applied to the document. :return: A new instance with the transformation's result. """ warn( "The interface to lxml's XSLT-processor will be removed in a future " "version. If you want to apply XSLT to delb documents with later versions, " "start implementing a processor now.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) result = transformation(self.root._etree_obj.getroottree()) return Document(result.getroot())
__all__ = ( CommentNode.__name__, DefaultStringOptions.__name__, Document.__name__, Namespaces.__name__, ParserOptions.__name__, ProcessingInstructionNode.__name__, QueryResults.__name__, TagNode.__name__, TextNode.__name__, altered_default_filters.__name__, any_of.__name__, first.__name__, get_traverser.__name__, is_comment_node.__name__, is_processing_instruction_node.__name__, is_root_node.__name__, is_tag_node.__name__, is_text_node.__name__, last.__name__, not_.__name__, new_comment_node.__name__, new_tag_node.__name__, new_processing_instruction_node.__name__, tag.__name__, )