Source code for _delb.nodes

# Copyright (C) 2018-'22  Frank Sachsenheim
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import annotations

import gc
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from collections import deque
from import MutableMapping
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from warnings import warn
from itertools import chain
from sys import getrefcount
from typing import (

from lxml import etree

from _delb.exceptions import AmbiguousTreeError, InvalidCodePath, InvalidOperation
from _delb.names import (
from _delb.parser import ParserOptions, _compat_get_parser
from _delb.typing import Filter, NodeSource
from _delb.utils import (
from _delb.xpath import (
from _delb.xpath import evaluate as evaluate_xpath, parse as parse_xpath
from _delb.xpath.ast import NameMatchTest, XPathExpression

    from delb import Document  # noqa: F401

# shortcuts

Comment = etree.Comment
_Element = etree._Element
PI = etree.PI
QName = etree.QName

# constants


# wrapper cache

class _WrapperCache:
    __slots__ = ("locks", "wrappers")

    def __init__(self):
        self.wrappers = {}
        self.locks = 0

    def __call__(self, element: _Element) -> _ElementWrappingNode:
        result = self.wrappers.get(element)
        if result is None:
            tag = element.tag
            if tag is Comment:
                result = CommentNode(element)
            elif tag is PI:
                result = ProcessingInstructionNode(element)
                result = TagNode(element)
            self.wrappers[element] = result
            # turn on when running tests, turn off when using a debugger:
            # assert getrefcount(result) == 3, getrefcount(result)
        return result

    def __enter__(self):
        self.locks += 1
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        self.locks -= 1
        return False

    def __gc_callback__(self, phase: str, info: Dict):  # noqa: C901
        This is the verbose implementation, please verify changes with this one:

        .. code-block:

            def __gc_callback__(self, phase: str, info: Dict):
                if phase != "stop" or self.locks:

                for element, node in tuple(self.wrappers.items()):
                    node_user_references = (
                        - 1  # `getrefcount`
                        - 1  # `self.wrappers`
                        - 1  # the iterated tuple
                        - 1  # `node`

                    # if referenced as a document's root node that itself isn't
                    # referenced:
                    if getattr(node, "__document__", None) is not None:
                        document_user_references = (
                            - 1  # `getrefcount`
                            - 1  # `document.root.__document__
                            - 1  # `document.head_nodes._document`
                            - 1  # `document.tail_nodes._document`
                        assert document_user_references >= 0
                        if document_user_references == 0:
                            node_user_references -= 1

                    assert node_user_references >= 0
                    if node_user_references > 0:

                    if isinstance(node, TagNode):
                        data_node = node._data_node
                        tail_node = node._tail_node
                        if self._appendees_are_referenced(
                        ) or self._appendees_are_referenced(tail_node):
                    elif isinstance(node, _ElementWrappingNode):
                        tail_node = node._tail_node
                        if self._appendees_are_referenced(tail_node):
                        raise RuntimeError


            def _appendees_are_referenced(self, node: TextNode) -> bool:
                appendees = []
                current = node._appended_text_node
                while current is not None:
                    current = current._appended_text_node

                if not appendees:
                    return False

                # the last item in a sequence of text nodes isn't pointed to as a
                # `_bound_to`:
                user_references = (
                    - 1  # `getrefcount`
                    - 1  # the predecessor's `_appended_text_node`

                assert user_references >= 0
                if user_references:
                    return True

                for refcount in (getrefcount(text_node) for text_node in appendees):
                    user_references = (
                        - 1  # `getrefcount`
                        - 1  # the predecessor's `_appended_text_node`
                        - 1  # the subsequent's `_bound_to`
                        - 1  # `appendees`
                        - 1  # `text_node`
                    assert user_references >= 0
                    if user_references:
                        return True

                return False
        if phase != "stop" or self.locks:

        for element, node in tuple(self.wrappers.items()):
            if getrefcount(node) > 4 + (
                getattr(node, "__document__", None) is not None
                and (getrefcount(node.__document__)) == 4

            skip = False
            tail_node = node._tail_node

            if isinstance(node, TagNode):

                # data node is checked first, assuming that appended text nodes tend
                # to be used in the depths of a tree
                data_node = node._data_node
                current = data_node._appended_text_node
                while current is not None:
                    _next = current._appended_text_node
                    if getrefcount(current) > 3 + (_next is not None):
                        skip = True
                    current = _next
                if skip:

                current = tail_node._appended_text_node
                while current is not None:
                    _next = current._appended_text_node
                    if getrefcount(current) > 3 + (_next is not None):
                        skip = True
                    current = _next
                if skip:


            else:  # isinstance(node, _ElementWrappingNode)
                current = tail_node._appended_text_node
                while current is not None:
                    _next = current._appended_text_node
                    if getrefcount(current) > 3 + (_next is not None):
                        skip = True
                    current = _next
                if skip:


_wrapper_cache = _WrapperCache()

# functions

[docs]def new_comment_node(content: str) -> "CommentNode": """ Creates a new :class:`CommentNode`. :param content: The comment's content a.k.a. as text. :return: The newly created comment node. """ result = _wrapper_cache(etree.Comment(content)) assert isinstance(result, CommentNode) return result
[docs]def new_processing_instruction_node( target: str, content: str ) -> "ProcessingInstructionNode": """ Creates a new :class:`ProcessingInstructionNode`. :param target: The processing instruction's target name. :param content: The processing instruction's text. :return: The newly created processing instruction node. """ result = _wrapper_cache(etree.PI(target, content)) assert isinstance(result, ProcessingInstructionNode) return result
[docs]def new_tag_node( local_name: str, attributes: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, children: Sequence[NodeSource] = (), ) -> "TagNode": """ Creates a new :class:`TagNode` instance outside any context. It is preferable to use :meth:`new_tag_node`, on instances of documents and nodes where the instance is the creation context. :param local_name: The tag name. :param attributes: Optional attributes that are assigned to the new node. :param namespace: An optional tag namespace. :param children: An optional sequence of objects that will be appended as child nodes. This can be existing nodes, strings that will be inserted as text nodes and in-place definitions of :class:`TagNode` instances from :func:`tag`. The latter will be assigned to the same namespace. :return: The newly created tag node. """ result = _wrapper_cache( etree.Element(QName(namespace, local_name).text, attrib=attributes), ) assert isinstance(result, TagNode) for child in children: if isinstance(child, (str, NodeBase, _TagDefinition)): result.append_children(child) else: raise TypeError( "Either node instances, strings or objects from :func:`delb.tag` must " "be provided as children argument." ) return result
# abstract tag definitions class _TagDefinition(NamedTuple): """ Instances of this class describe tag nodes that are constructed from the context they are used in (commonly additions to a tree) and the properties that this description holds. For the sake of slick code they are not instantiated directly, but with the :func:`tag` function. """ local_name: str attributes: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None children: Tuple = () # TODO use this notation when it is supported by Python, and only these versions # are supported by delb # children: Tuple[Union[str, "_TagDefinition"], ...] = () @overload def tag(local_name: str): # pragma: no cover ... @overload def tag(local_name: str, attributes: Mapping[str, str]): # pragma: no cover ... @overload def tag(local_name: str, child: NodeSource): # pragma: no cover ... @overload def tag(local_name: str, children: Sequence[NodeSource]): # pragma: no cover ... @overload def tag( local_name: str, attributes: Mapping[str, str], child: NodeSource ): # pragma: no cover ... @overload def tag( local_name: str, attributes: Mapping[str, str], children: Sequence[NodeSource] ): # pragma: no cover ...
[docs]def tag(*args): # noqa: C901 """ This function can be used for in-place creation (or call it templating if you want to) of :class:`TagNode` instances as: - ``node`` argument to methods that add nodes to a tree - items in the ``children`` argument of :func:`new_tag_node` and :meth:`NodeBase.new_tag_node` The first argument to the function is always the local name of the tag node. Optionally, the second argument can be a :term:`mapping` that specifies attributes for that node. The optional last argument is either a single object that will be appended as child node or a sequence of such, these objects can be node instances of any type, strings (for derived :class:`TextNode` instances) or other definitions from this function (for derived :class:`TagNode` instances). The actual nodes that are constructed always inherit the namespace of the context node they are created in. >>> root = new_tag_node('root', children=[ ... tag("head", {"lvl": "1"}, "Hello!"), ... tag("items", ( ... tag("item1"), ... tag("item2"), ... ) ... ) ... ]) >>> str(root) '<root><head lvl="1">Hello!</head><items><item1/><item2/></items></root>' >>> root.append_children(tag("addendum")) >>> str(root)[-26:] '</items><addendum/></root>' """ def prepare_attributes(attributes: Mapping) -> Dict[str, str]: if isinstance(attributes, TagAttributes): return attributes.as_dict_with_strings() return dict(attributes) if len(args) == 1: return _TagDefinition(local_name=args[0]) if len(args) == 2: second_arg = args[1] if isinstance(second_arg, (Mapping, etree._Attrib)): return _TagDefinition( local_name=args[0], attributes=prepare_attributes(second_arg) ) if isinstance(second_arg, (str, NodeBase, _TagDefinition)): return _TagDefinition(local_name=args[0], children=(second_arg,)) if isinstance(second_arg, Sequence): if not all( isinstance(x, (str, NodeBase, _TagDefinition)) for x in second_arg ): raise TypeError( "Either node instances, strings or objects from :func:`delb.tag` " "must be provided as children argument." ) return _TagDefinition(local_name=args[0], children=tuple(second_arg)) if len(args) == 3: third_arg = args[2] if isinstance(third_arg, (str, NodeBase, _TagDefinition)): return _TagDefinition( local_name=args[0], attributes=prepare_attributes(args[1]), children=(third_arg,), ) if isinstance(third_arg, Sequence): if not all( isinstance(x, (str, NodeBase, _TagDefinition)) for x in third_arg ): raise TypeError( "Either node instances, strings or objects from :func:`delb.tag` " "must be provided as children argument." ) return _TagDefinition( local_name=args[0], attributes=prepare_attributes(args[1]), children=tuple(third_arg), ) raise ValueError
# default filters def _is_tag_or_text_node(node: "NodeBase") -> bool: return isinstance(node, (TagNode, TextNode)) default_filters: Deque[Tuple[Filter, ...]] = deque() default_filters.append((_is_tag_or_text_node,))
[docs]@contextmanager def altered_default_filters(*filter: Filter, extend: bool = False): """ This function can be either used as as :term:`context manager` or :term:`decorator` to define a set of :obj:`default_filters` for the encapsuled code block or callable. These are then applied in all operations that allow node filtering, like :meth:`TagNode.next_node`. Mind that they also affect a node's index property and indexed access to child nodes. >>> root = Document( ... '<root xmlns="foo"><a/><!--x--><b/><!--y--><c/></root>' ... ).root >>> with altered_default_filters(is_comment_node): ... print([x.content for x in root.iterate_children()]) ['x', 'y'] As the default filters shadow comments and processing instructions by default, use no argument to unset this in order to access all type of nodes. :param extend: Extends the currently active filters with the given ones instead of replacing them. """ global default_filters if extend: default_filters.append(default_filters[-1] + filter) else: default_filters.append(filter) try: yield finally: default_filters.pop()
# attributes
[docs]class Attribute(_StringMixin): """ Attribute objects represent :term:`tag node`'s attributes. See the :meth:`delb.TagNode.attributes` documentation for capabilities. """ __slots__ = ("_attributes", "_key") def __init__(self, attributes: "TagAttributes", key: str): self._attributes = attributes self._key = key def __repr__(self): return repr(self.value) def _set_new_key(self, namespace, name): old_key = self._key if namespace is None or self._attributes.namespaces.get(None) == namespace: new_key = name else: new_key = f"{{{namespace}}}{name}" if new_key != old_key: self._attributes[new_key] = self.value del self._attributes[old_key] self._key = new_key @property def local_name(self) -> str: """The attribute's local name.""" return deconstruct_clark_notation(self._key)[1] @local_name.setter def local_name(self, name: str): self._set_new_key(self.namespace, name) @property def namespace(self) -> Optional[str]: """The attribute's namespace""" namespace: Union[bytes, str, None] if self._key.startswith("{"): return deconstruct_clark_notation(self._key)[0] namespace, _ = deconstruct_clark_notation(self._key) if namespace is None: namespace = self._attributes.namespaces.get(None, None) if isinstance(namespace, bytes): namespace = namespace.decode() return namespace @namespace.setter def namespace(self, namespace: Optional[str]): self._set_new_key(namespace, self.local_name) @property def universal_name(self) -> str: """ The attribute's namespace and local name in `Clark notation`_. .. _Clark notation: """ namespace = self.namespace return f"{{{namespace}}}{self.local_name}" if namespace else self.local_name @property def value(self) -> str: """The attribute's value.""" value = self._attributes._etree_attrib.get(self._key) if value is None: raise InvalidOperation("The attribute was removed from its node.") return value.decode() if isinstance(value, bytes) else value @value.setter def value(self, value: str): if self._key in self._attributes._etree_attrib: self._attributes._etree_attrib[self._key] = value else: raise InvalidOperation("The attribute was removed from its node.") # for utils._StringMixin: _data = value
class TagAttributes(MutableMapping): """A data type to access a :term:`tag node`'s attributes.""" __slots__ = ("_attributes", "_etree_attrib", "namespaces") def __init__(self, node: TagNode): self._attributes: Dict[str, Attribute] = {} self._etree_attrib: etree._Attrib = node._etree_obj.attrib self.namespaces: Namespaces = node.namespaces def __contains__(self, item: Any) -> bool: return self[item] is not None def __delitem__(self, key: Union[str, slice]): if isinstance(key, str): pass elif isinstance(key, slice) and self.namespaces.get(None) != key.start: key = f"{{{key.start}}}{key.stop}" else: raise TypeError( "Either an attribute name or a :term:`py:slice` denoting a namespace " "and an attribute name must be provided." ) del self._etree_attrib[key] self._attributes.pop(key, None) def __getitem__(self, item: Union[str, slice]) -> Optional[Attribute]: if isinstance(item, str): namespace, name = deconstruct_clark_notation(item) elif isinstance(item, slice): namespace, name = item.start, item.stop else: raise TypeError( "Either an attribute name or a :term:`py:slice` denoting a namespace " "and an attribute name must be provided." ) if namespace and not self.namespaces.get(None) == namespace: key = f"{{{namespace}}}{name}" else: key = name if key in self._etree_attrib: result = self._attributes.get(key) if result is None: result = Attribute(self, key) self._attributes[key] = result return result else: return None def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter(self._etree_attrib) # type: ignore def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._etree_attrib) def __setitem__(self, key: Union[str, slice], value: Union[str, Attribute]): if isinstance(key, str): pass elif isinstance(key, slice): key = f"{{{key.start}}}{key.stop}" else: TypeError( "Either an attribute name or a :term:`py:slice` denoting a namespace " "and an attribute name must be provided." ) if isinstance(value, Attribute): value = value.value self._etree_attrib[key] = value self._attributes[key] = Attribute(self, key) def __str__(self): return str(self.as_dict_with_strings()) __repr__ = __str__ def as_dict_with_strings(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Returns the attributes as :class:`str` instances in a :class:`dict`.""" return {str(k): str(v) for k, v in self._etree_attrib.items()} def get(self, key, default=None): result = self[key] return default if result is None else result def pop( # type: ignore self, key: str, default: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[str]: if key not in self._etree_attrib: return default result = str(self._etree_attrib.pop(key, "")) self._attributes.pop(key, None) return result # nodes class NodeBase(ABC): __slots__ = ("__weakref__",) def add_following_siblings(self, *node: NodeSource, clone: bool = False): """ Adds one or more nodes to the right of the node this method is called on. The nodes can be concrete instances of any node type or rather abstract descriptions in the form of strings or objects returned from the :func:`tag` function that are used to derive :class:`TextNode` respectively :class:`TagNode` instances from. :param node: The node(s) to be added. :param clone: Clones the concrete nodes before adding if ``True``. :meta category: add-nodes """ if node: this, queue = self._prepare_new_relative(node, clone) self._validate_sibling_operation(this) self._add_following_sibling(this) if queue: this.add_following_siblings(*queue, clone=clone) @abstractmethod def _add_following_sibling(self, node: "NodeBase"): pass def add_preceding_siblings(self, *node: NodeSource, clone: bool = False): """ Adds one or more nodes to the left of the node this method is called on. The nodes can be concrete instances of any node type or rather abstract descriptions in the form of strings or objects returned from the :func:`tag` function that are used to derive :class:`TextNode` respectively :class:`TagNode` instances from. :param node: The node(s) to be added. :param clone: Clones the concrete nodes before adding if ``True``. :meta category: add-nodes """ if node: this, queue = self._prepare_new_relative(node, clone) self._validate_sibling_operation(this) self._add_preceding_sibling(this) if queue: this.add_preceding_siblings(*queue, clone=clone) @abstractmethod def _add_preceding_sibling(self, node: "NodeBase"): pass @abstractmethod def clone(self, deep: bool = False, quick_and_unsafe: bool = False) -> "NodeBase": """ :param deep: Clones the whole subtree if ``True``. :param quick_and_unsafe: Creates a deep clone in a quicker manner where text nodes may get lost. It should be safe with trees that don't contain subsequent text nodes, e.g. freshly parsed, unaltered documents of after :meth:`TagNode.merge_text_nodes` has been applied. :return: A copy of the node. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def depth(self) -> int: """ The depth (or level) of the node in its tree. """ pass @abstractmethod def detach(self, retain_child_nodes: bool = False) -> "NodeBase": """ Removes the node from its tree. :param retain_child_nodes: Keeps the node's descendants in the originating tree if ``True``. :return: The removed node. :meta category: remove-node """ pass @property @abstractmethod def document(self) -> Optional["Document"]: """ The :class:`Document` instances that the node is associated with or ``None``. """ pass def fetch_following(self, *filter: Filter) -> Optional["NodeBase"]: """ :param filter: Any number of :term:`filter` s. :return: The next node in document order that matches all filters or ``None``. :meta category: fetch-node """ try: return next(self.iterate_following(*filter)) except StopIteration: return None def fetch_following_sibling(self, *filter: Filter) -> Optional["NodeBase"]: """ :param filter: Any number of :term:`filter` s. :return: The next sibling to the right that matches all filters or ``None``. :meta category: fetch-node """ all_filters = default_filters[-1] + filter candidate = self._fetch_following_sibling() while candidate is not None: if all(f(candidate) for f in all_filters): return candidate candidate = candidate._fetch_following_sibling() return None @abstractmethod def _fetch_following_sibling(self): pass def fetch_preceding(self, *filter: Filter) -> Optional["NodeBase"]: """ :param filter: Any number of :term:`filter` s. :return: The previous node in document order that matches all filters or ``None``. :meta category: fetch-node """ try: return next(self.iterate_preceding(*filter)) except StopIteration: return None @abstractmethod def fetch_preceding_sibling(self, *filter: Filter) -> Optional["NodeBase"]: """ :param filter: Any number of :term:`filter` s. :return: The next sibling to the left that matches all filters or ``None``. :meta category: fetch-node """ pass @property @abstractmethod def first_child(self) -> Optional["NodeBase"]: """ The node's first child node. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def full_text(self) -> str: """ The concatenated contents of all text node descendants in document order. """ pass @property def index(self) -> Optional[int]: """ The node's index within the parent's collection of child nodes or ``None`` when the node has no parent. """ parent = self.parent if parent is None: return None for index, node in enumerate(parent.iterate_children()): if node is self: return index raise InvalidCodePath def iterate_ancestors(self, *filter: Filter) -> Iterator["TagNode"]: """ :param filter: Any number of :term:`filter` s that a node must match to be yielded. :return: A :term:`generator iterator` that yields the ancestor nodes from bottom to top. :meta category: iter-relatives """ parent = self.parent if parent: if all(f(parent) for f in filter): yield parent yield from parent.iterate_ancestors(*filter) @abstractmethod def iterate_children( self, *filter: Filter, recurse: bool = False ) -> Iterator["NodeBase"]: """ :param filter: Any number of :term:`filter` s that a node must match to be yielded. :param recurse: Deprecated. Use :meth:`NodeBase.iterate_descendants`. :return: A :term:`generator iterator` that yields the child nodes of the node. :meta category: iter-relatives """ pass @abstractmethod def iterate_descendants(self, *filter: Filter) -> Iterator["NodeBase"]: """ :param filter: Any number of :term:`filter` s that a node must match to be yielded. :return: A :term:`generator iterator` that yields the descending nodes of the node. :meta category: iter-relatives """ pass def iterate_following(self, *filter: Filter) -> Iterator["NodeBase"]: """ :param filter: Any number of :term:`filter` s that a node must match to be yielded. :return: A :term:`generator iterator` that yields the following nodes in document order. :meta category: iter-relatives """ for node in self._iterate_following(): if all(f(node) for f in chain(default_filters[-1], filter)): yield node def _iterate_following(self) -> Iterator["NodeBase"]: def next_sibling_of_an_ancestor( node: NodeBase, ) -> Optional[_ElementWrappingNode]: parent = node.parent if parent is None: return None parents_next = parent._fetch_following_sibling() if parents_next is None: return next_sibling_of_an_ancestor(parent) return parents_next pointer = self while True: next_node = pointer.first_child if next_node is None: next_node = pointer._fetch_following_sibling() if next_node is None: next_node = next_sibling_of_an_ancestor(pointer) if next_node is None: return yield next_node pointer = next_node def iterate_following_siblings(self, *filter: Filter) -> Iterator["NodeBase"]: """ :param filter: Any number of :term:`filter` s that a node must match to be yielded. :return: A :term:`generator iterator` that yields the siblings to the node's right. :meta category: iter-relatives """ next_node = self.fetch_following_sibling(*filter) while next_node is not None: yield next_node next_node = next_node.fetch_following_sibling(*filter) def iterate_preceding(self, *filter: Filter) -> Iterator["NodeBase"]: """ :param filter: Any number of :term:`filter` s that a node must match to be yielded. :return: A :term:`generator iterator` that yields the previous nodes in document order. :meta category: iter-relatives """ for node in self._iterate_preceding(): if all(f(node) for f in filter): yield node @altered_default_filters() def _iterate_preceding(self) -> Iterator["NodeBase"]: def iter_children(node: NodeBase) -> Iterator[NodeBase]: for child_node in reversed(tuple(node.iterate_children())): yield from iter_children(child_node) yield child_node pointer: Optional[NodeBase] = self assert pointer is not None last_yield: NodeBase = pointer while True: pointer = pointer.fetch_preceding_sibling() if pointer is not None: yield from iter_children(pointer) yield pointer last_yield = pointer else: parent = last_yield.parent if parent is None: return yield parent pointer = last_yield = parent def iterate_preceding_siblings(self, *filter: Filter) -> Iterator["NodeBase"]: """ :param filter: Any number of :term:`filter` s that a node must match to be yielded. :return: A :term:`generator iterator` that yields the siblings to the node's left. :meta category: iter-relatives """ previous_node = self.fetch_preceding_sibling(*filter) while previous_node is not None: yield previous_node previous_node = previous_node.fetch_preceding_sibling(*filter) @property @abstractmethod def last_child(self) -> Optional["NodeBase"]: """ The node's last child node. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def last_descendant(self) -> Optional["NodeBase"]: """ The node's last descendant. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def namespaces(self): """ The prefix to namespace :term:`mapping` of the node. """ pass @abstractmethod def new_tag_node( self, local_name: str, attributes: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, children: Sequence[NodeSource] = (), ) -> "TagNode": """ Creates a new :class:`TagNode` instance in the node's context. :param local_name: The tag name. :param attributes: Optional attributes that are assigned to the new node. :param namespace: An optional tag namespace. If none is provided, the context node's namespace is inherited. :param children: An optional sequence of objects that will be appended as child nodes. This can be existing nodes, strings that will be inserted as text nodes and in-place definitions of :class:`TagNode` instances from :func:`tag`. The latter will be assigned to the same namespace. :return: The newly created tag node. """ pass def _new_tag_node_from( self, context: _Element, local_name: str, attributes: Optional[Dict[str, str]], namespace: Optional[str], children: Sequence[NodeSource], ) -> "TagNode": tag: QName context_namespace = QName(context).namespace if namespace: tag = QName(namespace, local_name) elif context_namespace: tag = QName(context_namespace, local_name) else: tag = QName(local_name) result = _wrapper_cache( context.makeelement( tag.text, attrib=attributes, # TODO nsmap=context.nsmap, # type: ignore ), ) assert isinstance(result, TagNode) if children: result.append_children(*children) return result def _new_tag_node_from_definition(self, definition: _TagDefinition) -> "TagNode": return self.parent._new_tag_node_from_definition(definition) @property @abstractmethod def parent(self): """ The node's parent or ``None``. """ pass @altered_default_filters() def _prepare_new_relative( self, nodes: Tuple[NodeSource, ...], clone: bool ) -> Tuple["NodeBase", List[NodeSource]]: this, *queue = nodes if isinstance(this, str): this = TextNode(this) elif isinstance(this, NodeBase): if clone: this = this.clone(deep=True) elif isinstance(this, _TagDefinition): this = self._new_tag_node_from_definition(this) else: raise TypeError( "Either node instances, strings or objects from :func:`delb.tag` must " "be provided as children argument." ) if not all( x is None for x in ( this.parent, this._fetch_following_sibling(), this.fetch_preceding_sibling(), ) ): raise InvalidOperation( "A node that shall be added to a tree must have neither a parent nor " "any sibling node. Use :meth:`NodeBase.detach` or a `clone` argument " "to move a node within or between trees." ) return this, queue def replace_with(self, node: NodeSource, clone: bool = False) -> "NodeBase": """ Removes the node and places the given one in its tree location. The node can be a concrete instance of any node type or a rather abstract description in the form of a string or an object returned from the :func:`tag` function that is used to derive a :class:`TextNode` respectively :class:`TagNode` instance from. :param node: The replacing node. :param clone: A concrete, replacing node is cloned if ``True``. :return: The removed node. :meta category: remove-node """ if self.parent is None: raise InvalidOperation( "Cannot replace a root node of a tree. Maybe you want to set the " "`root` property of a Document instance?" ) self.add_following_siblings(node, clone=clone) return self.detach() def _validate_sibling_operation(self, node): if self.parent is None and not ( # is happening among valid root node siblings isinstance(node, (CommentNode, ProcessingInstructionNode)) and (isinstance(self, (CommentNode, ProcessingInstructionNode))) ): raise InvalidOperation( "Not all node types can be added as siblings to a root node." ) @altered_default_filters() def xpath( self, expression: str, namespaces: Optional[Namespaces] = None, ) -> QueryResults: """ See `Queries with XPath & CSS`_ for details on the extent of the XPath implementation. :param expression: A supported XPath 1.0 expression that contains one or more location paths. :param namespaces: A mapping of prefixes that are used in the expression to namespaces. If omitted, the node's definition is used. :return: All nodes that match the evaluation of the provided XPath expression. :meta category: query-nodes """ return evaluate_xpath(node=self, expression=expression, namespaces=namespaces) # deprecated members @_better_call(add_following_siblings) def add_next(self, *nodes): pass @_better_call(add_preceding_siblings) def add_previous(self, *nodes): pass @_better_yield(iterate_ancestors) def ancestors(self, *filter): pass @_better_yield(iterate_following_siblings) def iterate_next_nodes(self, *filter): pass @_better_yield(iterate_following) def iterate_next_nodes_in_stream(self, *filter): pass @_better_yield(iterate_preceding_siblings) def iterate_previous_nodes(self, *filter): pass @_better_yield(iterate_preceding) def iterate_previous_nodes_in_stream(self, *filter): pass @_better_call(fetch_following_sibling) def next_node(self, *filter): pass @_better_call(fetch_following) def next_node_in_stream(self, *filter): pass @_better_call(fetch_preceding) def previous_node_in_stream(self, *filter): pass class _ChildLessNode(NodeBase): """Node types using this mixin also can't be root nodes of a document.""" __slots__ = () first_child = last_child = last_descendant = None @property def depth(self) -> int: return cast(TagNode, self.parent).depth + 1 @property def document(self) -> Optional["Document"]: parent = self.parent if parent is None: return None return parent.document def iterate_children( self, *filter: Filter, recurse: bool = False ) -> Iterator[NodeBase]: """ A :term:`generator iterator` that yields nothing. :meta category: iter-relatives """ if recurse: warn( "The recurse argument is deprecated in favor for the " "`iterate_descendants` method.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) yield from () def iterate_descendants(self, *filter: Filter) -> Iterator["NodeBase"]: yield from () def new_tag_node( self, local_name: str, attributes: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, children: Sequence[Union[str, NodeBase, "_TagDefinition"]] = (), ) -> "TagNode": parent = self.parent if parent is None: return new_tag_node( local_name=local_name, attributes=attributes, namespace=namespace, children=children, ) else: return parent.new_tag_node( local_name=local_name, attributes=attributes, namespace=namespace, children=children, ) # deprecated @_better_yield(iterate_children) def child_nodes(self, *filter, recurse=False): pass class _ElementWrappingNode(NodeBase): __slots__ = ("_etree_obj", "_tail_node") def __init__(self, etree_element: _Element): self._etree_obj = etree_element self._tail_node = TextNode(etree_element, position=TAIL) def __copy__(self) -> "_ElementWrappingNode": return self.clone(deep=False) def __deepcopy__(self, memodict=None) -> "_ElementWrappingNode": return self.clone(deep=True) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self._etree_obj) def _add_following_sibling(self, node: "NodeBase"): if isinstance(node, _ElementWrappingNode): my_old_tail = self._tail_node if self._tail_node._exists: my_old_tail._bind_to_tail(node) self._etree_obj.tail = None self._etree_obj.addnext(node._etree_obj) self._tail_node = TextNode(self._etree_obj, TAIL) assert self._tail_node is not my_old_tail assert node._tail_node is my_old_tail else: self._etree_obj.addnext(node._etree_obj) assert self._tail_node is my_old_tail assert node._tail_node is not my_old_tail elif isinstance(node, TextNode): assert node._position is DETACHED assert node._appended_text_node is None if self._tail_node._exists: my_old_tail = self._tail_node my_old_tail_content = my_old_tail.content node._bind_to_tail(self) node._appended_text_node = my_old_tail my_old_tail._bound_to = node my_old_tail._position = APPENDED my_old_tail.content = my_old_tail_content else: node._bind_to_tail(self) def _add_preceding_sibling(self, node: NodeBase): previous = self.fetch_preceding_sibling() if previous is None: if isinstance(node, _ElementWrappingNode): self._etree_obj.addprevious(node._etree_obj) else: assert isinstance(node, TextNode) parent = self.parent assert parent is not None assert not parent._data_node._exists node._bind_to_data(parent) else: previous._add_following_sibling(node) def clone( self, deep: bool = False, quick_and_unsafe: bool = False ) -> "_ElementWrappingNode": etree_clone = copy(self._etree_obj) etree_clone.tail = None return _wrapper_cache(etree_clone) @altered_default_filters() def detach(self, retain_child_nodes: bool = False) -> "_ElementWrappingNode": parent = self.parent if parent is None: return self etree_obj = self._etree_obj if self._tail_node._exists: if self.index == 0: self._tail_node._bind_to_data(parent) else: previous_node = self.fetch_preceding_sibling() if isinstance(previous_node, _ElementWrappingNode): self._tail_node._bind_to_tail(previous_node) elif isinstance(previous_node, TextNode): previous_node._insert_text_node_as_next_appended(self._tail_node) else: raise InvalidCodePath etree_obj.tail = None self._tail_node = TextNode(etree_obj, position=TAIL) cast(_Element, etree_obj.getparent()).remove(etree_obj) return self def _fetch_following_sibling(self) -> Optional[NodeBase]: if self._tail_node._exists: return self._tail_node next_etree_obj = self._etree_obj.getnext() if next_etree_obj is None: return None return _wrapper_cache(next_etree_obj) def fetch_preceding_sibling(self, *filter: Filter) -> Optional["NodeBase"]: candidate: Optional[NodeBase] = None previous_etree_obj = self._etree_obj.getprevious() if previous_etree_obj is None: parent = self.parent if parent is not None and parent._data_node._exists: candidate = parent._data_node assert isinstance(candidate, TextNode) while candidate._appended_text_node: candidate = candidate._appended_text_node else: wrapper_of_previous = _wrapper_cache(previous_etree_obj) if wrapper_of_previous._tail_node._exists: candidate = wrapper_of_previous._tail_node assert isinstance(candidate, TextNode) while candidate._appended_text_node: candidate = candidate._appended_text_node else: candidate = wrapper_of_previous if candidate is None: return None if all(f(candidate) for f in chain(default_filters[-1], filter)): return candidate else: return candidate.fetch_preceding_sibling(*filter) @property def full_text(self) -> str: return "" @property def namespaces(self) -> Namespaces: return Namespaces(self._etree_obj.nsmap) @property def parent(self) -> Optional["TagNode"]: etree_parent = self._etree_obj.getparent() if etree_parent is None: return None result = _wrapper_cache(etree_parent) assert isinstance(result, TagNode) return result # deprecated @_better_call(fetch_preceding_sibling) def previous_node(self, *filter): pass
[docs]class CommentNode(_ChildLessNode, _ElementWrappingNode, NodeBase): """ The instances of this class represent comment nodes of a tree. To instantiate new nodes use :func:`new_comment_node`. """ __slots__ = () def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return isinstance(other, CommentNode) and self.content == other.content def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}("{self.content}") [{hex(id(self))}]>' @property def content(self) -> str: """ The comment's text. """ return cast(str, self._etree_obj.text) @content.setter def content(self, value: str): self._etree_obj.text = value
[docs]class ProcessingInstructionNode(_ChildLessNode, _ElementWrappingNode, NodeBase): """ The instances of this class represent processing instruction nodes of a tree. To instantiate new nodes use :func:`new_processing_instruction_node`. """ __slots__ = () def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return ( isinstance(other, ProcessingInstructionNode) and == and self.content == other.content ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f'<{self.__class__.__name__}("{}", "{self.content}") ' f"[{hex(id(self))}]>" ) @property def content(self) -> str: """ The processing instruction's text. """ return cast(str, self._etree_obj.text) @content.setter def content(self, value: str): self._etree_obj.text = value @property def target(self) -> str: """ The processing instruction's target. """ etree_obj = self._etree_obj assert isinstance(etree_obj, etree._ProcessingInstruction) return cast(str, @target.setter def target(self, value: str): etree_obj = self._etree_obj assert isinstance(etree_obj, etree._ProcessingInstruction) = value
[docs]class TagNode(_ElementWrappingNode, NodeBase): """ The instances of this class represent :term:`tag node` s of a tree, the equivalent of DOM's elements. To instantiate new nodes use :class:`Document.new_tag_node`, :class:`TagNode.new_tag_node`, :class:`TextNode.new_tag_node` or :func:`new_tag_node`. Some syntactic sugar is baked in: Attributes and nodes can be tested for membership in a node. >>> root = Document('<root ham="spam"><child/></root>').root >>> child = root.first_child >>> "ham" in root True >>> child in root True Nodes can be copied. Note that this relies on :meth:`TagNode.clone`. >>> from copy import copy, deepcopy >>> root = Document("<root>Content</root>").root >>> print(copy(root)) <root/> >>> print(deepcopy(root)) <root>Content</root> Nodes can be tested for equality regarding their qualified name and attributes. >>> root = Document('<root><foo x="0"/><foo x="0"/><bar x="0"/></root>').root >>> root[0] == root[1] True >>> root[0] == root[2] False Attribute values and child nodes can be obtained with the subscript notation. >>> root = Document('<root x="0"><child_1/>child_2<child_3/></root>').root >>> root["x"] '0' >>> print(root[0]) <child_1/> >>> print(root[-1]) <child_3/> >>> print([str(x) for x in root[1::-1]]) ['child_2', '<child_1/>'] How much child nodes has this node anyway? >>> root = Document("<root><child_1/><child_2/></root>").root >>> len(root) 2 >>> len(root[0]) 0 As seen in the examples above, a tag nodes string representation yields a serialized XML representation of a sub-/tree. """ __slots__ = ( "_attributes", "_data_node", "__document__", ) def __init__(self, etree_element: _Element): super().__init__(etree_element) self._data_node = TextNode(etree_element, position=DATA) self._attributes = TagAttributes(self) self.__document__: Optional[Document] = None def __contains__(self, item: Union[str, NodeBase]) -> bool: if isinstance(item, str): return item in self.attributes elif isinstance(item, NodeBase): for child in self.iterate_children(): if child is item: return True return False else: raise TypeError( "Argument must be a string for an attribute name or a node instance." ) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, TagNode): return False return (self.universal_name == other.universal_name) and ( set(self.attributes.items()) == set(other.attributes.items()) ) @overload def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Optional[Attribute]: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> NodeBase: ... @overload def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> List[NodeBase]: ... def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, str): return self.attributes[item] elif isinstance(item, int): if item < 0: item = len(self) + item index = 0 for child_node in self.iterate_children(): if index == item: return child_node index += 1 raise IndexError("Node index out of range.") elif isinstance(item, slice): if all(isinstance(x, str) for x in (item.start, item.stop)): return self.attributes[item] elif all( (isinstance(x, int) or x is None) for x in (item.start, item.stop) ): return list(self.iterate_children())[item] raise TypeError( "Argument must be an integer as index for a child node, a string for an " "attribute name or a :term:`slice` to denote an attribute's namespace and " "name." ) def __len__(self) -> int: i = 0 for _ in self.iterate_children(): i += 1 return i def __str__(self) -> str: clone = self.clone(deep=True) clone.merge_text_nodes() return etree.tostring(clone._etree_obj, encoding="unicode") def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f'<{self.__class__.__name__}("{self.universal_name}", ' f"{self.attributes}, {self.location_path}) [{hex(id(self))}]>" ) def __add_first_child(self, node: NodeBase): assert not len(self) if isinstance(node, _ElementWrappingNode): self._etree_obj.append(node._etree_obj) elif isinstance(node, TextNode): node._bind_to_data(self)
[docs] def append_children(self, *node: NodeSource, clone: bool = False): """ Adds one or more nodes as child nodes after any existing to the child nodes of the node this method is called on. The nodes can be concrete instances of any node type or rather abstract descriptions in the form of strings or objects returned from the :func:`tag` function that are used to derive :class:`TextNode` respectively :class:`TagNode` instances from. :param node: The node(s) to be added. :param clone: Clones the concrete nodes before adding if ``True``. :meta category: add-nodes """ if not node: return queue: Sequence[NodeSource] last_child = self.last_child if last_child is None: last_child, queue = self._prepare_new_relative(node, clone=clone) self.__add_first_child(last_child) else: queue = node if queue: last_child.add_following_siblings(*queue, clone=clone)
@property def attributes(self) -> TagAttributes: """ A :term:`mapping` that can be used to query and alter the node's attributes. >>> node = new_tag_node("node", attributes={"foo": "0", "bar": "0"}) >>> node.attributes {'foo': '0', 'bar': '0'} >>> node.attributes.pop("bar") '0' >>> node.attributes["foo"] = "1" >>> node.attributes["peng"] = "1" >>> print(node) <node foo="1" peng="1"/> >>> node.attributes.update({"foo": "2", "zong": "2"}) >>> print(node) <node foo="2" peng="1" zong="2"/> Namespaced attributes can be accessed by using Python's slice notation. A default namespace can be provided optionally, but it's also found without. >>> node = new_tag_node("node", {}) >>> node.attributes["http://namespace":"foo"] = "0" >>> print(node) <node xmlns:ns0="http://namespace" ns0:foo="0"/> >>> node = Document('<node xmlns="default" foo="0"/>').root >>> node.attributes["default":"foo"] is node.attributes["foo"] True Attributes behave like strings, but also expose namespace, local name and value for manipulation. >>> node = new_tag_node("node") >>> node.attributes["foo"] = "0" >>> node.attributes["foo"].local_name = "bar" >>> node.attributes["bar"].namespace = "http://namespace" >>> node.attributes["http://namespace":"bar"].value = "1" >>> print(node) <node xmlns:ns0="http://namespace" ns0:bar="1"/> Unlike with typical Python mappings, requesting a non-existing attribute doesn't evoke a :exc:`KeyError`, instead ``None`` is returned. """ return self._attributes
[docs] @altered_default_filters() def clone(self, deep: bool = False, quick_and_unsafe: bool = False) -> "TagNode": # a faster implementation may be to not clear a cloned element's children and # to clone appended text nodes afterwards if deep and quick_and_unsafe: result = _wrapper_cache(deepcopy(self._etree_obj)) assert isinstance(result, TagNode) result._etree_obj.tail = None return result etree_clone = copy(self._etree_obj) etree_clone.text = etree_clone.tail = None del etree_clone[:] # remove all subelements result = _wrapper_cache(etree_clone) assert isinstance(result, TagNode) assert not len(result) if deep: for child_node in (x.clone(deep=True) for x in self.iterate_children()): assert isinstance(child_node, NodeBase) assert child_node.parent is None if isinstance(child_node, _ElementWrappingNode): assert child_node._etree_obj.tail is None elif isinstance(child_node, TextNode): assert child_node._position is DETACHED result.append_children(child_node) return result
def _collapse_whitespace(self, normalize_space: str = "default"): with _wrapper_cache: normalize_space = cast( str, self.attributes.get(XML_ATT_SPACE, normalize_space) ) if normalize_space == "default": for child_node in self.iterate_children(): if not isinstance(child_node, TextNode): continue crunched = _crunch_whitespace(child_node.content) crunched_stripped = crunched.strip() if ( crunched_stripped # has non-whitespace content and crunched[0] == " " # begins w/ whitespace and cast(int, child_node.index) > 0 # isn't first child ): child_node.content = f" {crunched_stripped}" elif ( crunched[-1] == " " # ends w/ whitespace and child_node is not self.first_child and child_node is not self.last_child ) or ( crunched_stripped # has non-whitespace content and crunched[-1] == " " # ends w/ whitespace and child_node is self.first_child and child_node is not self.last_child ): child_node.content = f"{crunched.strip()} " elif len(self) == 1 and crunched == " ": # is only child and contains only whitespace child_node.content = " " else: child_node.content = crunched_stripped else: assert normalize_space == "preserve" for child_node in self.iterate_children(is_tag_node): cast(TagNode, child_node)._collapse_whitespace(normalize_space)
[docs] def css_select( self, expression: str, namespaces: Optional[Namespaces] = None ) -> QueryResults: """ See `Queries with XPath & CSS`_ regarding the extent of the supported grammar. Namespace prefixes are delimited with a ``|`` before a name test, for example ``div svg|metadata`` selects all descendants of ``div`` named nodes that belong to the default namespace or have no namespace and whose name is ``metadata`` and have a namespace that is mapped to the ``svg`` prefix. :param expression: A CSS selector expression. :param namespaces: A mapping of prefixes that are used in the expression to namespaces. If omitted, the node's definition is used. :return: All nodes that match the evaluation of the provided CSS selector expression. :meta category: query-nodes """ return self.xpath(expression=_css_to_xpath(expression), namespaces=namespaces)
@property def depth(self) -> int: if self.parent is None: return 0 return self.location_path.count("/")
[docs] @altered_default_filters() def detach(self, retain_child_nodes: bool = False) -> "_ElementWrappingNode": parent = self.parent index = self.index if self.__document__ is not None: raise InvalidOperation("The root node of a document cannot be detached.") if retain_child_nodes and parent is None: raise InvalidOperation( "Child nodes can't be retained when the node to detach has no parent " "node." ) super().detach() parent_has_default_namespace = parent is not None and None in parent.namespaces if not (parent_has_default_namespace or retain_child_nodes): return self child_nodes = tuple(self.iterate_children()) for child_node in child_nodes: child_node.detach() # workaround to keep a default namespace: if parent_has_default_namespace: _wrapper_cache.wrappers.pop(self._etree_obj) assert isinstance(parent, TagNode) self._etree_obj = parent._etree_obj.makeelement( etree.QName(self._etree_obj), attrib=dict(self._etree_obj.attrib), # type: ignore # TODO, # type: ignore ) self._attributes._etree_attrib = self._etree_obj.attrib self._attributes.namespaces = self.namespaces _wrapper_cache.wrappers[self._etree_obj] = self if retain_child_nodes: if child_nodes: assert isinstance(parent, TagNode) assert isinstance(index, int) parent.insert_children(index, *child_nodes) else: self.append_children(*child_nodes) return self
@property def document(self) -> Optional["Document"]: if self.parent is None: root_node = self else: root_node = cast(TagNode, last(self.iterate_ancestors())) return root_node.__document__
[docs] def fetch_or_create_by_xpath( self, expression: str, namespaces: Union[Namespaces, None, Mapping[Optional[str], str]] = None, ) -> "TagNode": """ Fetches a single node that is locatable by the provided XPath expression. If the node doesn't exist, the non-existing branch will be created. These rules are imperative in your endeavour: - All location steps must use the child axis. - Each step needs to provide a name test. - Attributes must be compared against a literal. - Multiple attribute comparisons must be joined with the `and` operator and / or more than one predicate expression. - The logical validity of multiple attribute comparisons isn't checked. E.g. one could provide ``foo[@p="her"][@p="him"]``, but expect an undefined behaviour. - Other contents in predicate expressions are invalid. >>> document = Document("<root/>") >>> grandchild = document.root.fetch_or_create_by_xpath( ... "child[@a='b']/grandchild" ... ) >>> grandchild is document.root.fetch_or_create_by_xpath( ... "child[@a='b']/grandchild" ... ) True >>> str(document) '<root><child a="b"><grandchild/></child></root>' :param expression: An XPath expression that can unambiguously locate a descending node in a tree that has any state. :param namespaces: An optional mapping of prefixes to namespaces. As default the node's one is used. :return: The existing or freshly created node descibed with ``expression``. :meta category: query-nodes """ ast = parse_xpath(expression) if not ast._is_unambiguously_locatable: raise ValueError( "The XPath expression doesn't determine a distinct branch." ) if namespaces is None: namespaces = self.namespaces elif not isinstance(namespaces, Namespaces): namespaces = Namespaces(namespaces) query_result = self.xpath(expression, namespaces) if query_result.size == 1: result = query_result.first assert isinstance(result, TagNode) return result if query_result: raise AmbiguousTreeError( f"The tree already contains {query_result.size} matching branches." ) return self._create_by_xpath(ast, namespaces)
def _create_by_xpath( self, ast: XPathExpression, namespaces: Namespaces, ) -> "TagNode": node = self for i, step in enumerate(ast.location_paths[0].location_steps): candidates = tuple(step.evaluate(node_set=(node,), namespaces=namespaces)) if len(candidates) == 0: node_test = step.node_test assert isinstance(node_test, NameMatchTest) prefix = node_test.prefix if prefix is None: namespace = namespaces.get(None) else: namespace = namespaces[prefix] new_node = node.new_tag_node( local_name=node_test.local_name, attributes=None, namespace=namespace, ) for prefix, local_name, value in step._derived_attributes: if prefix is None and None not in namespaces: new_node.attributes[local_name] = value else: new_node.attributes[ namespaces[prefix] : local_name # type: ignore ] = value node.append_children(new_node) node = new_node elif len(candidates) == 1: node = cast("TagNode", candidates[0]) else: raise AmbiguousTreeError( f"The tree has multiple possible branches at location step {i}." ) return node @property def first_child(self) -> Optional[NodeBase]: for result in self.iterate_children(): return result return None @property def full_text(self) -> str: return "".join(str(x) for x in self.iterate_descendants(is_text_node)) @property def id(self) -> Optional[str]: """ This is a shortcut to retrieve and set the ``id`` attribute in the XML namespace. The client code is responsible to pass properly formed id names. """ return cast(str, self.attributes.get(XML_ATT_ID)) @id.setter def id(self, value: Optional[str]): if value is None: self.attributes.pop(XML_ATT_ID, "") elif isinstance(value, str): root = cast(TagNode, last(self.iterate_ancestors())) or self if root._etree_obj.xpath(f"descendant-or-self::*[@xml:id='{value}']"): raise ValueError( "An xml:id-attribute with that value is already assigned in the " "tree." ) self.attributes[XML_ATT_ID] = value else: raise TypeError("Value must be None or a string.") @property def index(self) -> Optional[int]: if self.parent is None: return None return super().index
[docs] def insert_children(self, index: int, *node: NodeSource, clone: bool = False): """ Inserts one or more child nodes. The nodes can be concrete instances of any node type or rather abstract descriptions in the form of strings or objects returned from the :func:`tag` function that are used to derive :class:`TextNode` respectively :class:`TagNode` instances from. :param index: The index at which the first of the given nodes will be inserted, the remaining nodes are added afterwards in the given order. :param node: The node(s) to be added. :param clone: Clones the concrete nodes before adding if ``True``. :meta category: add-nodes """ if index < 0: raise ValueError("Index must be zero or a positive integer.") children_count = len(self) if index > children_count: raise IndexError("The given index is beyond the target's size.") this, *queue = node if index == 0: if children_count: self[0].add_preceding_siblings(this, clone=clone) else: self.__add_first_child( self._prepare_new_relative((this,), clone=clone)[0] ) else: self[index - 1].add_following_siblings(this, clone=clone) if queue: self[index].add_following_siblings(*queue, clone=clone)
[docs] def iterate_children( self, *filter: Filter, recurse: bool = False ) -> Iterator[NodeBase]: if recurse: warn( "The recurse argument is deprecated in favor for the " "`iterate_descendants` method.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) yield from self.iterate_descendants(*filter) return all_filters = default_filters[-1] + filter candidate: Optional[NodeBase] assert isinstance(self._data_node, TextNode) if self._data_node._exists: candidate = self._data_node elif len(self._etree_obj): candidate = _wrapper_cache(self._etree_obj[0]) else: candidate = None while candidate is not None: if all(f(candidate) for f in all_filters): yield candidate candidate = candidate._fetch_following_sibling()
[docs] def iterate_descendants(self, *filter: Filter) -> Iterator["NodeBase"]: all_filters = default_filters[-1] + filter with altered_default_filters(): candidate = self.first_child if candidate is None: return next_candidates: List[Optional[NodeBase]] = [] while candidate is not None: if all(f(candidate) for f in all_filters): yield candidate if isinstance(candidate, TagNode): next_candidates.append(candidate._fetch_following_sibling()) candidate = candidate.first_child else: candidate = candidate._fetch_following_sibling() while candidate is None and next_candidates: candidate = next_candidates.pop()
@property def last_child(self) -> Optional[NodeBase]: result = None for result in self.iterate_children(): pass return result @property def last_descendant(self) -> Optional["NodeBase"]: node = self.last_child while node is not None: candidate = node.last_child if candidate is None: break node = candidate return node @property def local_name(self) -> str: """ The node's name. """ return cast(str, QName(self._etree_obj).localname) @local_name.setter def local_name(self, value: str): self._etree_obj.tag = QName(self.namespace, value).text @property def location_path(self) -> str: """ An unambiguous XPath location path that points to this node from its tree root. """ if self.parent is None: return "/." with altered_default_filters(is_tag_node): steps = list(self.iterate_ancestors()) steps.pop() # root steps.reverse() steps.append(self) return "".join(f"/*[{n.index+1}]" for n in steps) # type: ignore
[docs] @altered_default_filters() def merge_text_nodes(self): """ Merges all consecutive text nodes in the subtree into one. """ for node in self.iterate_descendants(is_text_node): node._merge_appended_text_nodes()
@property def namespace(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The node's namespace. Be aware, that while this property can be set to ``None``, serializations will continue to render a previous default namespace declaration if the node had such. """ # weirdly QName fails in some cases when called with an etree._Element return QName(self._etree_obj.tag).namespace # type: ignore @namespace.setter def namespace(self, value: Optional[str]): self._etree_obj.tag = QName(value, self.local_name).text
[docs] def new_tag_node( self, local_name: str, attributes: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, children: Sequence[Union[str, NodeBase, "_TagDefinition"]] = (), ) -> "TagNode": return self._new_tag_node_from( self._etree_obj, local_name, attributes, namespace, children )
def _new_tag_node_from_definition(self, definition: _TagDefinition) -> "TagNode": return self._new_tag_node_from( context=self._etree_obj, local_name=definition.local_name, attributes=definition.attributes, namespace=self.namespace, children=definition.children, )
[docs] @staticmethod def parse( text: AnyStr, parser: Optional[etree.XMLParser] = None, parser_options: Optional[ParserOptions] = None, collapse_whitespace: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> "TagNode": """ Parses the given string or bytes sequence into a new tree. :param text: A serialized XML tree. :param parser: Deprecated. :param parser_options: A :class:`delb.ParserOptions` class to configure the used parser. :param collapse_whitespace: Deprecated. Use the argument with the same name on the ``parser_options`` object. """ warn( "This method will be replaced by another interface in a future version.", category=PendingDeprecationWarning, ) parser, collapse_whitespace = _compat_get_parser( parser, parser_options, collapse_whitespace ) result = _wrapper_cache(etree.fromstring(text, parser=parser)) assert isinstance(result, TagNode) if collapse_whitespace: result._collapse_whitespace() return result
@property def prefix(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The prefix that the node's namespace is currently mapped to. """ target = QName(self._etree_obj).namespace if target is None: return None for prefix, namespace in self._etree_obj.nsmap.items(): assert isinstance(prefix, str) or prefix is None if namespace == target: return prefix raise InvalidCodePath
[docs] def prepend_children(self, *node: NodeBase, clone: bool = False) -> None: """ Adds one or more nodes as child nodes before any existing to the child nodes of the node this method is called on. The nodes can be concrete instances of any node type or rather abstract descriptions in the form of strings or objects returned from the :func:`tag` function that are used to derive :class:`TextNode` respectively :class:`TagNode` instances from. :param node: The node(s) to be added. :param clone: Clones the concrete nodes before adding if ``True``. :meta category: add-nodes """ self.insert_children(0, *node, clone=clone)
@property def universal_name(self) -> str: """ The node's qualified name in `Clark notation`_. .. _Clark notation: """ return cast(str, self._etree_obj.tag) def _validate_sibling_operation(self, node): if self.parent is None and not ( isinstance(node, (CommentNode, ProcessingInstructionNode)) and ( isinstance(self, (CommentNode, ProcessingInstructionNode)) or self.__document__ is not None ) ): raise TypeError( "Not all node types can be added as siblings to a root node." ) # REMOVE eventually
[docs] @altered_default_filters() def xpath( self, expression: str, namespaces: Optional[Namespaces] = None, ) -> QueryResults: """ See `Queries with XPath & CSS`_ for details on the extent of the XPath implementation. :param expression: A supported XPath 1.0 expression that contains one or more location paths. :param namespaces: A mapping of prefixes that are used in the expression to namespaces. If omitted, the node's definition is used. :return: All nodes that match the evaluation of the provided XPath expression. :meta category: query-nodes """ result = super().xpath(expression=expression, namespaces=namespaces) if __debug__ and all(isinstance(n, TagNode) for n in result): try: etree_result = self._etree_xpath(expression) except NotImplementedError: # might stem from flaws in LegacyXPathExpression pass else: assert result == etree_result, ( "Please report that the native XPath evaluator seems faulty with " f"the expression `{expression}` at " "" ) return result
# REMOVE eventually def _etree_xpath(self, expression: str) -> QueryResults: etree_obj = self._etree_obj namespaces = etree_obj.nsmap compat_namespaces: etree._DictAnyStr xpath_expression = LegacyXPathExpression(expression) if None in namespaces: has_default_namespace = True prefix = _random_unused_prefix(namespaces) compat_namespaces = cast( "etree._DictAnyStr", { **{k: v for k, v in namespaces.items() if k is not None}, prefix: namespaces[None], }, ) else: has_default_namespace = False prefix = "" compat_namespaces = cast("etree._DictAnyStr", namespaces) for location_path in xpath_expression.location_paths: if has_default_namespace: for location_step in location_path.location_steps: node_test = location_step.node_test if node_test.type != "name_test": continue if ":" not in = prefix + ":" + if str(xpath_expression) != expression: raise NotImplementedError _results = etree_obj.xpath( str(xpath_expression), namespaces=compat_namespaces, # type: ignore ) assert isinstance(_results, Iterable) return QueryResults( (_wrapper_cache(cast(_Element, element)) for element in _results) ) # deprecated @_better_call(append_children) def append_child(self, *node, clone=False): pass @_better_yield(iterate_children) def child_nodes(self, *filter, recurse=False): pass @_better_call(insert_children) def insert_child(self, *node, clone=False): pass @_better_call(prepend_children) def prepend_child(self, *node, clone=False): pass @property def qualified_name(self): """:meta category: deprecated""" warn( "The property `TagNode.qualified_name` is now named `universal_name`. " "The former will be removed in a future release.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) return self.universal_name
[docs]class TextNode(_ChildLessNode, NodeBase, _StringMixin): # type: ignore """ TextNodes contain the textual data of a document. The class shall not be initialized by client code, just throw strings into the trees. Instances expose all methods of :class:`str` except :meth:`str.index`: >>> node = TextNode("Show us the way to the next whisky bar.") >>> node.split() ['Show', 'us', 'the', 'way', 'to', 'the', 'next', 'whisky', 'bar.'] Instances can be tested for inequality with other text nodes and strings: >>> TextNode("ham") == TextNode("spam") False >>> TextNode("Patsy") == "Patsy" True And they can be tested for substrings: >>> "Sir" in TextNode("Sir Bedevere the Wise") True Attributes that rely to child nodes yield nothing respectively ``None``. """ __slots__ = ("_appended_text_node", "_bound_to", "__content", "_position") def __init__( self, reference_or_text: Union[_Element, str, "TextNode"], position: int = DETACHED, ): self._bound_to: Union[None, _Element, TextNode] self.__content: Optional[str] self._appended_text_node: Optional[TextNode] = None self._position: int = position if position is DETACHED: assert isinstance(reference_or_text, str) self._bound_to = None self.__content = reference_or_text elif position in (DATA, TAIL): assert isinstance(reference_or_text, _Element) self._bound_to = reference_or_text self.__content = None else: raise ValueError def __getitem__(self, item): return self.content[item] def __repr__(self): if self._exists: return ( f'<{self.__class__.__name__}(text="{self}", ' f"pos={self._position}) [{hex(id(self))}]>" ) else: return ( f"<{self.__class__.__name__}(pos={self._position}) [{hex(id(self))}]>" ) def _add_following_sibling(self, node: NodeBase): if isinstance(node, TextNode): self._insert_text_node_as_next_appended(node) elif isinstance(node, _ElementWrappingNode): self._add_next_element_wrapping_node(node) def _add_next_element_wrapping_node(self, node: _ElementWrappingNode): if self._position is DATA: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) appended_text_node = self._appended_text_node self._bound_to.insert(0, node._etree_obj) if appended_text_node is not None: self._appended_text_node = None appended_text_node._bind_to_tail(node) elif self._position is TAIL: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) data = self._bound_to.tail text_sibling = self._appended_text_node self._appended_text_node = None assert not node._tail_node._exists self._bound_to.addnext(node._etree_obj) self._bound_to.tail = data node._etree_obj.tail = None assert not node._tail_node._exists, repr(node._tail_node) if text_sibling is not None: text_sibling._bind_to_tail(node) elif self._position is APPENDED: appended_text_node = self._appended_text_node self._appended_text_node = None head = self._tail_sequence_head assert head._position in (DATA, TAIL) if head._position is DATA: assert isinstance(head._bound_to, _Element) head._bound_to.insert(0, node._etree_obj) elif head._position is TAIL: head_anchor = head._bound_to assert isinstance(head_anchor, _Element) head_content = head.content head_anchor.addnext(node._etree_obj) head_anchor.tail = head_content node._etree_obj.tail = None if appended_text_node is not None: appended_text_node._bind_to_tail(node) def _add_preceding_sibling(self, node: NodeBase): if isinstance(node, TextNode): self._prepend_text_node(node) elif isinstance(node, _ElementWrappingNode): if self._position is DATA: content = self.content current_bound = self._bound_to assert isinstance(current_bound, _Element) current_bound.insert(0, node._etree_obj) current_bound_wrapper = _wrapper_cache(current_bound) assert isinstance(current_bound_wrapper, TagNode) current_bound_wrapper._data_node = TextNode(current_bound, DATA) self._bind_to_tail(node) current_bound.text = None self.content = content elif self._position is TAIL: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) _wrapper_cache(self._bound_to)._add_following_sibling(node) elif self._position is APPENDED: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, TextNode) self._bound_to._add_following_sibling(node) def _bind_to_data(self, target: TagNode): target._etree_obj.text = self.content target._data_node = self self._bound_to = target._etree_obj self._position = DATA self.__content = None assert isinstance(self.content, str) def _bind_to_tail(self, target: _ElementWrappingNode): assert isinstance(target, _ElementWrappingNode) target._etree_obj.tail = self.content target._tail_node = self self._bound_to = target._etree_obj self._position = TAIL self.__content = None assert isinstance(self.content, str)
[docs] def clone(self, deep: bool = False, quick_and_unsafe: bool = False) -> "NodeBase": assert self.content is not None return self.__class__(self.content)
@property def content(self) -> str: """ The node's text content. """ if self._position is DATA: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) return cast(str, self._bound_to.text) elif self._position is TAIL: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) return cast(str, self._bound_to.tail) elif self._position in (APPENDED, DETACHED): assert self._bound_to is None or isinstance(self._bound_to, TextNode) return cast(str, self.__content) else: raise ValueError( f"A TextNode._position must not be set to {self._position}" ) @content.setter def content(self, text: str): if not isinstance(text, str): raise TypeError if self._position is DATA: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) self._bound_to.text = text or None elif self._position is TAIL: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) self._bound_to.tail = text or None elif self._position in (APPENDED, DETACHED): assert self._bound_to is None or isinstance(self._bound_to, TextNode) self.__content = text # for utils._StringMixin: _data = content # type: ignore @property def depth(self) -> int: if self._position is DETACHED: return 0 return super().depth
[docs] def detach(self, retain_child_nodes: bool = False) -> "TextNode": if self._position is DETACHED: return self content = self.content text_sibling = self._appended_text_node if self._position is DATA: current_parent = self.parent assert current_parent is not None assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) assert current_parent._etree_obj is self._bound_to if text_sibling: text_sibling._bind_to_data(current_parent) else: current_parent._data_node = TextNode(current_parent._etree_obj, DATA) assert self not in current_parent self._bound_to.text = None assert not current_parent._data_node._exists elif self._position is TAIL: current_bound = self._bound_to assert isinstance(current_bound, _Element) current_previous = _wrapper_cache(current_bound) if text_sibling: text_sibling._bind_to_tail(current_previous) else: current_previous._tail_node = TextNode( current_previous._etree_obj, TAIL ) current_bound.tail = None assert not current_previous._tail_node._exists elif self._position is APPENDED: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, TextNode) self._bound_to._appended_text_node = text_sibling if text_sibling: text_sibling._bound_to = self._bound_to else: raise ValueError( f"A TextNode._position must not be set to {self._position}" ) self._appended_text_node = None self._bound_to = None self._position = DETACHED self.content = content assert self.parent is None assert self._fetch_following_sibling() is None return self
@property def _exists(self) -> bool: if self._position is DATA: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) return self._bound_to.text is not None elif self._position is TAIL: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) return self._bound_to.tail is not None else: return True def _fetch_following_sibling(self) -> Optional[NodeBase]: if self._position is DETACHED: return None if self._appended_text_node: return self._appended_text_node elif self._position is DATA: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) if len(self._bound_to): return _wrapper_cache(self._bound_to[0]) else: return None elif self._position is TAIL: return self.__next_candidate_of_tail() elif self._position is APPENDED: # and last in tail sequence return self.__next_candidate_of_last_appended() raise InvalidCodePath
[docs] def fetch_preceding_sibling(self, *filter: Filter) -> Optional["NodeBase"]: candidate: Optional[NodeBase] if self._position in (DATA, DETACHED): return None elif self._position is TAIL: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) candidate = _wrapper_cache(self._bound_to) elif self._position is APPENDED: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, TextNode) candidate = self._bound_to else: raise ValueError( f"A TextNode._position must not be set to {self._position}" ) if candidate is None: return None if all(f(candidate) for f in chain(default_filters[-1], filter)): return candidate else: return candidate.fetch_preceding_sibling(*filter)
@property def full_text(self) -> str: return self.content or "" def _merge_appended_text_nodes(self): sibling = self._appended_text_node if sibling is None: return current_node, appendix = sibling, "" while current_node is not None: assert isinstance(current_node.content, str) appendix += current_node.content current_node = current_node._appended_text_node self.content += appendix self._appended_text_node = None sibling._bound_to = None def _insert_text_node_as_next_appended(self, node: "TextNode"): old = self._appended_text_node content = node.content node._bound_to = self node._position = APPENDED node.content = content self._appended_text_node = node if old: assert old._position is APPENDED, old node._insert_text_node_as_next_appended(old) assert isinstance(self.content, str) assert isinstance(node.content, str) @property def namespaces(self): if self.parent: return self.parent.namespaces else: raise InvalidOperation("A lonely text node has no namespace context.") def __next_candidate_of_last_appended(self) -> Optional[NodeBase]: head = self._tail_sequence_head assert isinstance(head._bound_to, _Element) if head._position is DATA: assert head.parent is not None if len(head.parent._etree_obj): return _wrapper_cache(head.parent._etree_obj[0]) else: return None elif head._position is TAIL: next_etree_element = head._bound_to.getnext() if next_etree_element is None: return None else: return _wrapper_cache(next_etree_element) raise InvalidCodePath def __next_candidate_of_tail(self) -> Optional[NodeBase]: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) next_etree_node = self._bound_to.getnext() if next_etree_node is None: return None return _wrapper_cache(next_etree_node) @property def parent(self) -> Optional[TagNode]: if self._position is DATA: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) result = _wrapper_cache(self._bound_to) assert isinstance(result, TagNode) return result elif self._position is TAIL: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) return _wrapper_cache(self._bound_to).parent elif self._position is APPENDED: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, TextNode) return self._tail_sequence_head.parent elif self._position is DETACHED: assert self._bound_to is None return None raise ValueError(f"A TextNode._position must not be set to {self._position}") def _prepend_text_node(self, node: "TextNode"): if self._position is DATA: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) parent = _wrapper_cache(self._bound_to) assert isinstance(parent, TagNode) content = self.content node._bind_to_data(parent) node._insert_text_node_as_next_appended(self) self.content = content elif self._position is TAIL: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, _Element) left_sibling = _wrapper_cache(self._bound_to) content = self.content node._bind_to_tail(left_sibling) node._insert_text_node_as_next_appended(self) self.content = content elif self._position is APPENDED: assert node._appended_text_node is None previous = self._bound_to assert isinstance(previous, TextNode) previous._appended_text_node = None previous._insert_text_node_as_next_appended(node) node._insert_text_node_as_next_appended(self) else: raise ValueError( f"A TextNode._position must not be set to {self._position}" ) @property def _tail_sequence_head(self) -> TextNode: if self._position in (DATA, TAIL): return self elif self._position is APPENDED: assert isinstance(self._bound_to, TextNode) return self._bound_to._tail_sequence_head else: raise InvalidCodePath # deprecated @_better_call(fetch_preceding_sibling) def previous_node(self, *filter): pass
# contributed node filters and filter wrappers
[docs]def any_of(*filter: Filter) -> Filter: """ A node filter wrapper that matches when any of the given filters is matching, like a boolean ``or``. """ def any_of_wrapper(node: NodeBase) -> bool: return any(x(node) for x in filter) return any_of_wrapper
[docs]def is_comment_node(node: NodeBase) -> bool: """ A node filter that matches :class:`CommentNode` instances. """ return isinstance(node, CommentNode)
[docs]def is_processing_instruction_node(node: NodeBase) -> bool: """ A node filter that matches :class:`ProcessingInstructionNode` instances. """ return isinstance(node, ProcessingInstructionNode)
def is_root_node(node: NodeBase) -> bool: """ A node filter that matches root nodes. """ return node.parent is None
[docs]def is_tag_node(node: NodeBase) -> bool: """ A node filter that matches :class:`TagNode` instances. """ return isinstance(node, TagNode)
[docs]def is_text_node(node: NodeBase) -> bool: """ A node filter that matches :class:`TextNode` instances. """ return isinstance(node, TextNode)
[docs]def not_(*filter: Filter) -> Filter: """ A node filter wrapper that matches when the given filter is not matching, like a boolean ``not``. """ def not_wrapper(node: NodeBase) -> bool: return not all(f(node) for f in filter) return not_wrapper
# __all__ = ( Attribute.__name__, CommentNode.__name__, NodeBase.__name__, ProcessingInstructionNode.__name__, QueryResults.__name__, TagAttributes.__name__, TagNode.__name__, TextNode.__name__, altered_default_filters.__name__, any_of.__name__, is_comment_node.__name__, is_processing_instruction_node.__name__, is_root_node.__name__, is_tag_node.__name__, is_text_node.__name__, not_.__name__, new_comment_node.__name__, new_processing_instruction_node.__name__, new_tag_node.__name__, tag.__name__, )