Source code for _delb.plugins

# Copyright (C) 2018-'22  Frank Sachsenheim
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Union

if sys.version_info < (3, 10):  # DROPWITH Python3.9
    from importlib_metadata import entry_points
    from importlib.metadata import entry_points

from _delb.typing import Loader, LoaderConstraint

[docs]class DocumentMixinBase: """ By deriving a subclass from this one, a document extension class is registered as plugin. These are supposed to add additional attributes to a document, e.g. derived data or methods to interact with storage systems. All attributes of an extension should share a common prefix that terminates with an underscore, e.g. `storage_load`, `storage_save`, etc. This base class also acts as termination for methods that can be implemented by mixin classes. Any implementation of a method must call a base class' one, e.g.: .. code-block:: from types import SimpleNamespace from _delb.plugins import DocumentMixinBase from magic_wonderland import play_disco class MyExtension(DocumentMixinBase): # this method can be implemented by any extension class @classmethod def _init_config(cls, config, kwargs): config.my_extension = SimpleNamespace(conf=kwargs.pop( "my_extension_conf")) super()._init_config(config, kwargs) # this method is specific to this extension def my_extension_makes_magic(self): play_disco() """ def __init_subclass__(cls): # ensure it is a direct subclass if cls.__mro__[1] is DocumentMixinBase: plugin_manager.document_mixins.append(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def _init_config(cls, config: SimpleNamespace, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): """ The ``kwargs`` argument contains the additional keyword arguments that a :class:`Document` instance is called with. Extension classes that expect configuration data *must* process their specific arguments by clearing them from the ``kwargs`` dictionary, e.g. with :meth:`dict.pop`, and preferably storing the final configuration data in a :class:`types.SimpleNamespace` and adding it to the :class:`types.SimpleNamespace` passed as ``config`` with the extension's name. The initially mentioned keyword arguments *should* be prefixed with that name as well. This method is called before the loaders try to read and parse the given source for a document. """ if kwargs: raise RuntimeError( "Not all configuration arguments have been processed. You either " "passed invalid arguments or an extension doesn't handle them " f"properly: {config}" )
class PluginManager: def __init__(self): self.document_mixins: list[type] = [] self.document_subclasses: list[type] = [] self.loaders: list[Loader] = [] self.xpath_functions: dict[str, Callable] = {} @staticmethod def load_plugins(): """ Loads all modules that are registered as entrypoint in the ``delb`` group. """ for entrypoint in entry_points().select(group="delb"): entrypoint.load() def register_loader( self, before: LoaderConstraint = None, after: LoaderConstraint = None ) -> Callable: """ Registers a document loader. An example module that is specified as ``delb`` plugin for an IPFS loader might look like this: .. testcode:: from os import getenv from types import SimpleNamespace from typing import Any from _delb.plugins import plugin_manager from _delb.plugins.https_loader import https_loader from _delb.typing import LoaderResult IPFS_GATEWAY = getenv("IPFS_GATEWAY_PREFIX", "") @plugin_manager.register_loader() def ipfs_loader(source: Any, config: SimpleNamespace) -> LoaderResult: if isinstance(source, str) and source.startswith("ipfs://"): config.source_url = source config.ipfs_gateway_source_url = IPFS_GATEWAY + source[7:] return https_loader(config.ipfs_gateway_source_url, config) # return an indication why this loader didn't attempt to load in order # to support debugging return "The input value is not an URL with the ipfs scheme." The ``source`` argument is what a :class:`Document` instance is initialized with as input data. Note that the ``config`` argument that is passed to a loader function contains configuration data, it's the :attr:`delb.Document.config` property after :meth:`_init_config <_delb.plugins.DocumentMixinHooks._init_config>` has been processed. Loaders that retrieve a document from an URL should add the origin as string to the ``config`` object as ``source_url``. You might want to specify a loader to be considered before or after another one. Let's assume a loader shall figure out what to load from a remote XML resource that contains a reference to the actual document. That one would have to be considered before the one that loads XML documents from a URL with the `https` scheme: .. testcode:: from _delb.plugins import plugin_manager from _delb.plugins.https_loader import https_loader @plugin_manager.register_loader(before=https_loader) def mets_loader(source, config) -> LoaderResult: # loading logic here pass """ if before is not None and after is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Loaders may only define one constraint atm. Please open an issue with " "a use-case description if you need to define both." ) registered_loaders = self.loaders if before is not None: if not isinstance(before, Iterable): before = (before,) index = min(registered_loaders.index(x) for x in before) elif after is not None: if not isinstance(after, Iterable): after = (after,) index = max(registered_loaders.index(x) for x in after) + 1 else: index = len(registered_loaders) def registrar(loader: Loader) -> Loader: assert callable(loader) registered_loaders.insert(index, loader) return loader return registrar def register_xpath_function(self, arg: Union[Callable, str]) -> Callable: """ Custom XPath functions can be defined as shown in the following example. The first argument to a function is always an instance of :class:`_delb.xpath.EvaluationContext` followed by the expression's arguments. .. testcode:: from delb import Document from _delb.plugins import plugin_manager from _delb.xpath import EvaluationContext @plugin_manager.register_xpath_function("is-last") def is_last(context: EvaluationContext) -> bool: return context.position == context.size @plugin_manager.register_xpath_function def lowercase(_, string: str) -> str: return string.lower() document = Document("<root><node/><node foo='BAR'/></root>") print(document.xpath("/*[is-last() and lowercase(@foo)='bar']").first) .. testoutput:: <node foo="BAR"/> """ if isinstance(arg, str): def wrapper(func): self.xpath_functions[arg] = func return func return wrapper if callable(arg): self.xpath_functions[arg.__name__] = arg return arg plugin_manager = PluginManager()