Source code for _delb.xpath

# Copyright (C) 2018-'22  Frank Sachsenheim
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

*delb* allows querying of nodes with CSS selector and XPath expressions. CSS selectors
are converted to XPath expressions with a third-party library before evaluation and they
are only supported as far as their computed XPath equivalents are supported by *delb*'s
very own XPath implementation.

This implementation is not fully compliant with one of the W3C's XPath specifications.
It mostly covers the `XPath 1.0 specs`_, but focuses on the querying via path
expressions with simple constraints while it omits a broad employment of  computations
(that's what programming languages are for) and has therefore these intended deviations
from that standard:

- Default namespaces can be addressed in node and attribute names, by simply using no
- The attribute and namespace axes are not supported in location steps (see also below).
- In predicates only the attribute axis can be used in its abbreviated form (``@name``).
- Path evaluations within predicates are not available.
- Only these predicate functions are provided and tested:
    - ``boolean``
    - ``concat``
    - ``contains``
    - ``last``
    - ``not``
    - ``position``
    - ``starts-with``
    - ``text``
        - Behaves as if deployed as a single step location path that only tests for the
          node type *text*. Hence it returns the contents of the context node's first
          child node that is a text node or an empty string when there is none.
    - Please refrain from extension requests without a proper, concrete implementation

If you're accustomed to retrieve attribute values with XPath expressions, employ the
functionality of the higher programming language at hand like this:

    >>> [x.attributes["target"] for x in root.xpath(".//foo")
    ...  if "target" in x.attributes ]  # doctest: +SKIP

Instead of:

    >>> root.xpath(".//foo/@target")  # doctest: +SKIP

See :meth:`_delb.plugins.PluginManager.register_xpath_function` regarding the use of
custom functions.

.. _XPath 1.0 specs:

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import (

from cssselect import GenericTranslator  # type: ignore

from _delb.names import Namespaces
from _delb.typing import Filter
from _delb.utils import sort_nodes_in_document_order
from _delb.xpath.ast import EvaluationContext
from _delb.xpath import functions  # noqa: F401
from _delb.xpath.parser import parse

    from delb import NodeBase

_css_translator = GenericTranslator()

[docs]class QueryResults(Sequence["NodeBase"]): """ A container that includes the results of a CSS selector or XPath query with some helpers for better readable Python expressions. """ def __init__(self, results: Iterable[NodeBase]): self.__items = tuple(results) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Collection): raise TypeError return len(self.__items) == len(other) and all(x in other for x in self.__items) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.__items[item] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.__items) def __repr__(self): return str([repr(x) for x in self.__items])
[docs] def as_list(self) -> List[NodeBase]: """The contained nodes as a new :class:`list`.""" return list(self.__items)
@property def as_tuple(self) -> Tuple[NodeBase, ...]: """The contained nodes in a :class:`tuple`.""" return self.__items
[docs] def filtered_by(self, *filters: Filter) -> QueryResults: """ Returns another :class:`QueryResults` instance that contains all nodes filtered by the provided :term:`filter` s. """ items = self.__items for filter in filters: items = (x for x in items if filter(x)) # type: ignore return self.__class__(items) # type: ignore
@property def first(self) -> Optional[NodeBase]: """The first node from the results or ``None`` if there are none.""" if len(self.__items): return self.__items[0] else: return None
[docs] def in_document_order(self) -> QueryResults: """ Returns another :class:`QueryResults` instance where the contained nodes are sorted in document order. """ return QueryResults(sort_nodes_in_document_order(self))
@property def last(self) -> Optional[NodeBase]: """The last node from the results or ``None`` if there are none.""" if len(self.__items): return self.__items[-1] else: return None @property def size(self) -> int: """The amount of contained nodes.""" return len(self.__items)
# TODO make cachesize configurable via environment variable? @lru_cache(maxsize=64) def _css_to_xpath(expression: str) -> str: return _css_translator.css_to_xpath(expression, prefix="descendant-or-self::") def evaluate( node: NodeBase, expression: str, namespaces: Namespaces = None, ) -> QueryResults: if namespaces is None: namespaces = node.namespaces return QueryResults(parse(expression).evaluate(node=node, namespaces=namespaces)) __all__ = ( _css_to_xpath.__name__, # type:ignore evaluate.__name__, parse.__name__, # type: ignore EvaluationContext.__name__, QueryResults.__name__, ) # REMOVE eventually # L E G A C Y # """ This was neither an XPath implementation. """ def _reduce_whitespace(expression: str) -> str: """ Remove unnecessary whitespace from xpath predicate expression. >>> _reduce_whitespace('[@a = "1" or @b = "2"][@c = "3"]') '[@a="1" or @b="2"][@c="3"]' >>> _reduce_whitespace('[contains(@a, "1")]') '[contains(@a,"1")]' """ quote = "" result = "" skip = 0 for i, character in enumerate(expression): if skip: skip -= 1 elif character == " " and not quote: if expression[i : i + 4] == " or ": result += " or " skip = 3 elif expression[i : i + 5] == " and ": result += " and " skip = 4 else: pass # result += "" elif character in ("'", '"'): quote = "" if quote else character result += character else: result += character return result def _split(expression: str, separator: str) -> Iterator[str]: # pragma: no cover """ Split expression at occurrences of specified seperator, except where within quotation marks. >>> list(_split('./root/path[@a="n/a"]', '/')) ['.', 'root', 'path[@a="n/a"]'] >>> list(_split('@type="translation" and @xml:lang="en"', ' and ')) ['@type="translation"', '@xml:lang="en"'] """ assert separator not in ('"', "'") cursor = 0 part = "" quote = "" separator_length = len(separator) for i, character in enumerate(expression): if i < cursor: continue if expression[i : i + separator_length] == separator and not quote: yield part part = "" cursor += separator_length continue if character == quote: quote = "" elif character in ('"', "'"): quote = character part += character cursor += 1 yield part class LegacyXPathExpression: __slots__ = ("location_paths",) def __init__(self, expression: str): self.location_paths = [ LegacyLocationPath(x) for x in _split(_reduce_whitespace(expression), "|") ] def __str__(self): return " | ".join(str(x) for x in self.location_paths) class LegacyLocationPath: __slots__ = ("location_steps",) def __init__(self, expression: str): step_expressions = list(_split(expression, "/")) if not step_expressions[0]: step_expressions = step_expressions[1:] self.location_steps = [LegacyLocationStep(x) for x in step_expressions] def __str__(self): return "/".join(str(x) for x in self.location_steps) class LegacyLocationStep: # pragma: no cover __slots__ = ("axis", "node_test", "predicates") def __init__(self, expression: str): self.axis: str self.node_test: LegacyNodeTest self.predicates = "" if expression == "": self.axis = "descendant-or-self" self.node_test = LegacyNodeTest("node()") elif expression == ".": self.axis = "self" self.node_test = LegacyNodeTest("node()") elif expression == "..": self.axis = "parent" self.node_test = LegacyNodeTest("node()") else: if "[" in expression: expression, predicates_part = expression.split("[", maxsplit=1) assert predicates_part[-1] == "]", predicates_part self.predicates = "[" + predicates_part if "::" not in expression: self.axis = "child" self.node_test = LegacyNodeTest(expression) else: self.axis, node_test_part = expression.split("::") self.node_test = LegacyNodeTest(node_test_part) def __str__(self): return self.axis + "::" + + self.predicates class LegacyNodeTest: __slots__ = ("data", "type") def __init__(self, expression: str): = expression if expression.endswith(")"): self.type = "type_test" else: self.type = "name_test"