Installation ============ From the Python Package Index ----------------------------- To install *delb* manually, not as dependency, use pip_:: $ pip install delb At the moment there's only one optional dependency to enable document loading via `http` and `https`, to include it use:: $ pip install delb[https-loader] From source ----------- Prerequisites: - A virtual environment of your project is activated. - That virtual environment houses an interpreter for Python 3.7 or later. Obtain the code with roughly one of: - ``git clone`` - ``curl -LosS | tar xzf -`` To install it regularly:: …/delb-py $ pip install . Again, to include the loading over *http(s)*:: …/delb-py $ pip install .[https-loader] For developing purposes of ``delb`` itself, the library should be installed in editable_ mode:: …/delb-py $ pip install --editable . .. hint:: Using git submodules is a great way to vendorize a lib for your project and to have a fork for your adjustments. Please offer the latter to upstream if done well. Developer toolbox ----------------- The repository includes configurations so that beside a suited Python interpreter three tools need to be available globally. pipx_ is the recommended facilitation to install the Python implemented tools *black* and *hatch*. just ~~~~ just_ is a task runner that executes a variety of common *recipes*. This gives a list of all available ones:: …/delb-py $ just --list Before committing changes, run the complete suite of quality checks by invoking the default recipe:: …/delb-py $ just black ~~~~~ It's recommended to configure the used editors and IDEs to enforce black_'s code style, but it can also be applied with:: …/delb-py $ just black hatch ~~~~~ Several of the *just* recipes rely on hatch_. .. _black: .. _editable: .. _hatch: .. _just: .. _pip: .. _pipx: